Into the Archives: Facts to Know when hiring an Appraiser
This article is based on a pamphlet the
International Society of Appraisers
wrote five years ago. We have updated and expanded it. -
John Buxton
Question 1. "What qualifies you to appraise my property?"
A qualified appraiser has formal education in appraisal theory, principles, procedures, ethics, and law. The appraiser should be up to date on the latest appraisal standards. Continuing education and testing are the only ways to ensure this competence.The appraiser you hire should be familiar with the type of property you want appraised and know how to value it correctly.
Expertise in a particular type of property is not enough if the "expert" does not know how to evaluate an item for its appropriate worth. Without appraisal training, these "experts" have no way of understanding the complicated variety of marketplace definitions that are used to determine appropriate values for appropriate uses.
For example, a museum curator may be able to authenticate a work of art, or a jeweler may be able to determine the identity of a gemstone, but neither may be able to value those items correctly unless they follow appropriate appraisal principles and procedures.
Solution 1: Where do you find a qualified appraiser?
First call all of the three major personal property appraisal organizations. These are
American Society of Appraisers (
Appraisers Association of America (
International Society of Appraisers (
. Once you have a few names, check with your local antique dealers, museum curators, insurance agents, or maybe even
respected appraisers in other specialties.
The generalist appraiser usually specialize in estate appraisals that cover everything from art to refrigerators (household contents). Often these appraisers have specialties in which they feel competent. There are specialty appraisers in decorative arts, fine arts, gems and jewelry, and machinery, so understand and carefully evaluate what you have and what you require in appraisal services.
For example, A fine art appraiser would not be a good choice for silver.
Question 2. "Do all appraisers have similar qualifications?"
No! There are many self-acclaimed personal property appraisers who have not completed any professional education!
It is important to ask the prospective appraiser what type of formal appraisal education training he or she has received. Obtaining a copy of the appraiser's professional profile or resume
can help you evaluate
; the burden is on the consumer to evaluate an
Solution 2. Ask the right questions!
Does the appraiser belong to one of the three personal property appraisal organizations?
Has the appraiser completed and been tested in appraisal methodology training?
What accreditations or certifications does the appraiser possess?
Has the appraiser taken and passed
with in the past 5 years?
What product knowledge does the appraiser possess to appraise the property?
What ongoing continuing education does the appraiser possess?
Ask the appraiser for their resume.
Question 3: "How will you handle items which may be outside your specialty area?"
No appraiser should claim expertise in everything
. ISA(International Society of Appraisers) recognizes
over 220 areas of specialty knowledge
. A good appraiser knows his or her limits, and is expected to consult with other experts when necessary.
Solution 3: Ask the appraiser for their recommendations.
If the appraiser is cavalier or blasé about assuming the responsibility for appraising property outside his or her specialty, you probably have picked the wrong appraiser.
Question 4. "What is your fee and on what basis do you charge?"
hire an appraiser who charges a percentage of the appraised value, or charges a "contingency" fee
These practices are clearly conflicts of interests, and may result in biased values. The IRS will not accept an appraisal done with such fee arrangements.ISA Appraisers are prohibited by their
from charging a fee based on a percentage of the value of the property appraised.
Hourly fees, flat rates, or per item charges are acceptable.
Solution 4: Ask your appraiser to provide a fee schedule and/or a contract.
It is a good business practice to have a contract stating in writing the expectations of both parties
. Specifically, it is important to understand in writing how you will be charged. This contract will eliminate all misunderstandings and will significantly reduce the potential for appraiser liability from either the client or third parties relying on the document. Hourly fees usually range from $50 - $300 an hour depending on the appraisers qualifications and credentials.
Question 5. "What will the appraisal report be like?"
You should receive a
that presents the information you need in a complete and organized way. Does the appraiser comply with
(Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice)?
Solution 5. If you feel unsure, ask the appraiser for a sample appraisal report.
Although there are three different personal property organizations,
there is one accepted standard that all three comply with as a requirement for their members
and that is
(Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice).
For the first time in the history of personal property appraising, the U.S. government has endorsed an appraisal standard.
In August 2008, an amendment to the
Pension protection Act of 2006
(USPAP) was endorsed as the accepted industry standard. –
John Buxton, ISA CAPP
For John Buxton's credentials please visit:
Buxton Appraisal, Authentication, & Consulting Services (BAACS)
If your question has not been answered by this article, please visit:
American Society of Appraisers- For consumers
Appraisers Association of Americas- Object ID checklist
International Society of Appraisers- Site Map
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