My Word Summer 2012

This summer went by in about five minutes. A good bit of it was spent driving and in fact one 3500 mile trip took me from Dallas to Rapid City, South Dakota back across the country to Chicago then down to Cincinnati and finally back to Dallas. Besides my colleagues wondering why someone who has been in business for almost 40 years would still do this and my wife seriously considering an intervention and grab for my car keys, it still remains the only way in one trip you can see many collectors and curators on their home turf. The trip was enlightening having the opportunity to visit the Blacks Hills, the Sioux Rosebud Reservation, multiple museums and curators, and many objects at the Roadshows in Rapid City and Cincinnati.

The low point of the trip was my visit to Indiana and the museum exhibition in Bloomington. What happened here and at other institutions that I have commented on in this Newsletter should give us all incentive to make sure we get our last wishes codified and as legally sound as possible. There is no such thing as an understanding that trumps a signed contract with independent lawyers on both sides.

The economy seems to still have no impact on the high end of the market. There also continues to be collectors entering the marketplace to take advantage of price corrections that have resulted from more objects coming on the market. The Santa Fe Indian market this month was mixed as it has been the past years. What was different again was well priced less expensive objects being sold successfully by dealers who priced to sell. Looking at the third and fourth level regional auctions this market seems alive and well.

The appraisal business has been extremely active for the past year. We have expanded our services to meet new market demands  and are now working with owners on the entire art and antiques collection within estates as consultants in the appraisal and disposition of the objects. So if you are facing this issue, let us earn your business. It is a tough economic climate. We would like very much to assist you  and your family in navigating through the tough challenges as you downsize or make financial plans for the future. After almost 40 years in business, 17 years with Antiques Roadshow, and more than 20 years as a member of the International Society of Appraisers, we have a great network. JB

Changes At The Top Summer 2012


Auctions Summer 2012