State by State Ivory Ban - Update March 2015

This update is not meant to debate again the ivory ban. The article below from is offered as an edited unbiased status report of what's happening. Our blog will continue to cover this in the coming months as we have in previous issues of the Newsletter.

In February, Vermont introduced a key measure to completely ban its domestic elephant ivory and rhinoceros horn commerce, joining nearly 20 states taking action to eliminate the ivory trade in 2015.
In 2014, New Jersey and New York made history as the first states to pass stronger ivory trade restrictions. New Jersey's law, a full ban on all ivory and rhino horn sales in the state, took effect this past February.
As of March 1, a plethora of diverse states — including California, Vermont, Illinois, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Florida, Oklahoma, Virginia, Maryland, Washington State, Iowa and Connecticut — have all introduced similar measures to end ivory and rhino horn trade in 2015. In addition, action is underway to introduce ivory sales bans in Colorado, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Delaware and the District of Columbia.

While approximately 20 states are taking action to end the ivory trade in their states, some are further along than others in the process. A few of them have key hearings this week.
Here's a summary of states taking action to end ivory trade thus far in 2015:

1. California

Bill introduced; currently in committee.
California impacts 20 percent of the US economy and has our nation's second largest market for ivory. That's why it's key that the Sunshine State bans ivory trade with no further exemptions.
Upcoming Hearing: The measure (AB 96) will be heard before the California State Assembly, Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee, at 9:30 a.m. PST March 10 at the State Capitol in Sacramento. For more info and actions on how you can show your support, click here.

2. Illinois

Bill introduced February 20.

3. Massachusetts

Bill introduced and moving quickly.

4. Hawaii

Bill introduced; currently in committee.
Hawaii has the third largest market for illegal ivory in the United States. Support for an ivory ban is strong, but the opposition is also vocal. For more information on ongoing efforts to end the ivory trade in Hawaii, click here.

5. Vermont

Bill introduced February 24.
For more information, including how to show your support, click here.

6. Maryland

Bill introduced; currently in committee.
Upcoming Hearing: The bill, HB0713, will be debated before the House Judiciary Committee in a hearing scheduled for 1 p.m. March 4 at the Maryland House Office Building, Room 100, 6 Bladen Street. For more information, including how to show your support, click here.

7. Florida

Bill introduced February 20.

8. Oklahoma

Bill introduced.

9. Connecticut

Four bills introduced by four lawmakers.

10. Iowa

Bill introduced.

11. Washington State

Introduced in January; died in committee.

12. Virginia

Introduced in January; died in committee.

13. Delaware

Action underway.

14. Nevada

Action underway.

15. Colorado

Action underway.

16. District of Columbia

Action underway.

17. Idaho

Action underway.

18. Oregon

Action underway.

19. Pennsylvania

Action underway.

US Legislature for Protecting Cultural Property Spring 2015


My Word Winter 2015