Stolen Art Winter 2015

1. GRASSE (AFP).- A former electrician and his wife who kept 271 works of art by Picasso in their garage for close to 40 years went on trial in France on Tuesday accused of possessing stolen goods. Pierre Le Guennec, now 75 and retired, says the world-famous artist and his wife Jacqueline gave him the oil canvases, drawings and Cubist collages when he was doing work on the last property they lived in before Picasso died in 1973. But some of the artist's heirs, including his son Claude, suspect otherwise and filed a complaint against the couple, who were charged in 2011.
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2. LOS ANGELES- Nine works of art that were stolen six years ago in one of the largest art heists in L.A. history have been recovered by investigators from the Los Angeles Police Department and the
FBI, according to court documents obtained by the Los Angles Times.
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3. Already the drone is a well-established tool for photographers wishing to capture aerial footage without the eye-watering expense of a helicopter, but artists are now finding many more imaginative uses. More Information:

4. MILWAUKEE.- It was a little after 10PM when Frank Almond, the concertmaster of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra (MSO), walked out of Wisconsin Lutheran College into the sub-zero January night. He had just finished a chamber music performance at the small school, located in the quiet suburb of Wauwatosa, and he was headed home. As Almond opened the passenger door of his car to put his violin inside, a 41-year-old ex-con named Salah Salahadyn allegedly walked up to Almond and tased him unconscious. More Information:

Tribal Art Auctions Winter 2015


Tribal Art Exhibitions Winter 2015