October 2015 - Newsletter of the Committee for Cultural Policy

This month's newsletter brings you an eye-opening report debunking the ivory/terrorism financing myth, articles on the first-ever prosecution of cultural destruction as a war crime at the ICC, an amazingly rich tomb and underwater discoveries in Greece, seizures in France of a Picasso and in the US of cuneiform tablets, museum exhibitions and a highly successful teaching tool using art objects, a major statement by the AAMD on safe harbor for antiquities, an extended summary of the Conflict Antiquities event at the Metropolitan Museum, and for a little relief from the seriousness of it all, pigs rooting out archaeological evidence and a transformation of Lenin into Darth Vader!
Lest you forget – the end of year window for making a tax-deductible donation to the Committee for Cultural Policy will soon close. Please make a generous contribution and continue to make our educational work possible in the coming year!
Please send your check to the Committee for Cultural Policy, Box 4881, Santa Fe, NM 87502 or contact us at info@committeeforculturalpolicy.org to find out more!

For this issue go to:


AAMD Issues Safe Haven Protocols for Art from Countries in Crisis

 The Truth About Ivory and Terrorism

 Metropolitan Museum Event: Conflict Antiquities, Panel 1

 Metropolitan Museum Event: Conflict Antiquities, Panel 2

 First Ever Prosecution of Cultural Destruction as a War Crime

 ISIL Blows up Prisoners and Palmyra Columns

 Exceptionally Rich Mycenaean Tomb Discovered at Pylos

 22 Shipwrecks Found in Greek Waters

 After Years of Delay, Pompeii Rushes to Spend Millions of Euros

 Botín Speaks Out Against Seizure of Picasso

 Customs Detains Ancient Tablets for Hobby Lobby

 The Huge History Lesson & Teaching History with 100 Objects

 Pigs Root Out Ancient Hunter-Gatherers

Darth Vader Supersedes Lenin in Ukraine

Contact the Committee for Cultural Policy

The Committee for Cultural Policy

Box 4881 Santa Fe, NM 87502

917.546.6724 | info@committeeforculturalpolicy.org

Committee for Cultural Policy is a U.S. non-profit educational organization.

Photos from Around The World Fall 2015


Museums Fall 2015