My Word Winter 2017

This issue has focused on art market reports for 2016 and the art market predictions for 2017. President Trumps election has had a significant impact on the stock market that has seemingly by some expert opinion translated to the art market. We will follow the private and public art markets to keep you informed.

Regardless of whether you lean to the left or the right we can all agree that Mr. Trump has not been or will probably never be a staunch supporter of the arts. While we wait for the shoe to drop we can only speculate what his unique brand of leadership will mean to the institutions we all mostly revere. To date the consensus seems to be that NEA and NEH might well be in trouble but that PBS will prevail. We are watching and will follow this in the coming months.

Quinn's Auction House in Falls Church is posting another offering March 15th with a scheduled sale date of March 25th. This sale will include a fascinating collection from Plant City Florida featuring some very fine baskets from Northern California and Alaska. The Leazer collection from Dallas is also a part of this collection and is the personal effort of Bill and his partner of over 40 years of acquiring from cultures all over the world.

In this issue we also mark the passing of Jack Pemberton and Tom Wheelock. Both were friends that made major contributions to the field of African Art.

Be sure to check out Photos Around the World in this issue.. pretty spectacular..

Our new intern Mary Mass did most of the heavy lifting on this issue of the Newsletter. We are delighted to have her working with us.

Patterns of Collecting: The Ethnographic Collections of John Woodall, William Leazer, William Swann, and others.


Tom Wheelock - In Memoriam Winter 2017