AFAR Photo Awards 2019 Nov 25 Written By John Buxton “Fixing Nets” by Diep VanIn Phan Rang, Vietnam, women wearing traditional bamboo hats use old-fashioned sewing machines to repair fishing nets. “Colors of Inle Lotus Fabric” by Zay YarInle Lake is one of the only places in Myanmar to watch weavers make cloth from cotton fibers. Natural dyes color the handcrafted fabrics, which then dry on the lake in the sun. “Irish Mussels” by Shell RoysterPhotographer Shell Royster participated in a mussel expedition at family-run Killary Fjord Shellfish in County Galway, while on a trip through western Ireland. The dish showcases the harvest. John Buxton
AFAR Photo Awards 2019 Nov 25 Written By John Buxton “Fixing Nets” by Diep VanIn Phan Rang, Vietnam, women wearing traditional bamboo hats use old-fashioned sewing machines to repair fishing nets. “Colors of Inle Lotus Fabric” by Zay YarInle Lake is one of the only places in Myanmar to watch weavers make cloth from cotton fibers. Natural dyes color the handcrafted fabrics, which then dry on the lake in the sun. “Irish Mussels” by Shell RoysterPhotographer Shell Royster participated in a mussel expedition at family-run Killary Fjord Shellfish in County Galway, while on a trip through western Ireland. The dish showcases the harvest. John Buxton